
"6S" activity-Let every employee strengthen the understanding of "6S" and let ea

Let every employee strengthen the understanding of "6S". The implementation of "6S" is not just a superficial article, but also a great improvement for every employee in all aspects.
One. Sorting out (SEIRI)-classifies any item in the workplace as necessary and unnecessary, and eliminates everything except necessary to stay.
    1. Separate the people and things you don't need and deal with the people, things and things you don't need. This is the first step to improve the production site. Classify various items to distinguish what is needed on site and what is not needed on site;
    2. For unneeded items on the site, such as using surplus materials, excess semi-finished products, cut heads, chips, garbage, waste products, excess tools, discarded equipment, workers' personal supplies, etc. At the production site, the key point is to resolutely clean up the unnecessary things on the site. The front and back of each station or equipment in the workshop, the left and right aisles, the up and down of the plant, the inside and outside of the toolbox, and all dead ends in the workshop must be thoroughly searched and cleaned to Nothing on the scene. Resolutely doing this step is the beginning of a good style. Efficiency and safety begin with finishing.
    Objectives: 1. Improve and increase the working area; 2. No debris on the site, smooth roads, and improve work efficiency; 3. Reduce the chance of bumps, ensure safety, and improve quality; 4. Eliminate management mix-up, mixing, and other errors Accidents; 5. Conducive to reducing inventory and saving money; 5. Changing style and improving work mood.
Free up space, make use of space, prevent misuse, and create a good workplace.
The detailed operation of detailing each situation must be in place, standardized, standard, and strict, and regular inspections must be developed, such as the implementation of methods and supervision of compliance with regulations.
two. SEITON-Put the necessary items left over in accordance with the prescribed position, and place them neatly to mark them.
    The required people, things, and objects are quantified and positioned. After finishing the previous step, the items that need to be left on the production site are scientifically and reasonably arranged and placed to obtain the required things at the fastest speed. Effective regulations and the simplest process to complete the job.
Purpose: 1. There must be a fixed place and area for the items to be placed in order to facilitate the search and eliminate errors caused by mixed placement. 2. The place for the items must be scientific and reasonable. For example, according to the frequency of use of the items, things should be placed frequently. Closer (such as in the work area), occasionally or infrequently used things should be placed far away (can be concentrated in the designated place in the workshop) 3. Visualization of the item placement, so that the quantitatively loaded items do To the best of my knowledge, areas with different items are distinguished by different signs.
The reasonable placement of items at the production site is conducive to improving work efficiency and product quality-fixed management to ensure production safety. The workplace is clear at a glance, eliminating the time to find items, a neat working environment, and eliminating excessive backlogs.
three. Cleaning (SEISO) —— Sweep the visible and invisible places in the workplace and keep the workplace clean and beautiful.
    1. Clean the workplace, and repair it when the equipment is abnormal to make it return to normal.
    2. During the production process, dust, oil, wood chips, and garbage will be generated during the production site, which will cause the site to become dirty. Dirty sites will reduce the accuracy of the equipment, cause frequent failures, affect product quality, and make safety accidents more difficult to prevent. It will affect people's work mood and make people unwilling to stay long. Therefore, cleaning activities must be used to eliminate those dirt and create a bright and comfortable working environment.
    Purpose: 1. Clean the items you use, such as equipment and tools, without relying on others, without adding special cleaners. 2. Clean the equipment, focusing on the maintenance of the equipment. The cleaning equipment must be the same as the equipment. Combining the inspection, cleaning is inspection, cleaning equipment must do the equipment lubrication work, cleaning is also maintenance; 3, cleaning is also for improvement. When cleaning the ground and discovering wood chips and oil and water leakage, we should find out the cause and take measures to improve it.
    4. Clean (SEIKETSU)-maintain the 3S results above.
Careful maintenance should be carried out after finishing, rectifying and cleaning to keep the site perfect and optimal. Cleanliness is the persistence and deepening of the first three activities, thereby eliminating the root cause of safety accidents. Create a good working environment so that employees can work happily.
   Objectives: 1. The workshop environment must not only be tidy, but also be clean and hygienic, ensure the health of workers, and improve the enthusiasm of workers; 2. Not only must the items be cleaned, but also the workers themselves must be cleaned. Neatness, timely haircuts, manicures, bathing, etc .; 3. Workers must not only do physical cleansing, but also spiritual "cleanliness". Be polite and respectful to others; 5. Keep the environment free of pollution. Further eliminate turbid air, dust, noise and pollution sources, and eliminate occupational diseases.
    5. Literacy (SHITSUKE)-each member develops good habits and obeys the rules to do things, cultivate a proactive spirit (also known as habituality).
Purpose: Without the improvement of personnel quality, various activities cannot be carried out smoothly, and they cannot be carried out. Therefore, we must always focus on improving the quality of people when studying 6S activities.
    6. Safety (SECURITY)-attaches importance to safety education for all employees, and always has safety first concept at all times to prevent it before it happens.
Purpose: Establish a safe production environment, all work should be established under the premise of safety